Thursday 28 September 2017

Critical Thinking skills

1.Formulate your question

2.Gather your information

3.Apply the information

4.Consider the implications

5.Explore other points of view

evaluate your own choices 

increase the number of positive choices we make
the session spent on critical thinking, I feel helped me develop mature decision making on my media projects, with some vital and much-needed advice on why you should be critical on your own work

Thursday 21 September 2017

adobe illustrator

Adobe illustrator was a new software to me, it was something new to me, however I learnt the basics pretty quickly and masked in a pencil tool over my face. The final product looked ok and could even possibly make decent t-shirt or article of clothing and could even work as potential merchandise.


personally out of all the software we touched on in this segment of the carousel , this one was the hardest for me to wrap my head around. I struggled to work on the software and understand how it is used, because of such little time given to experiment on it. Nevertheless it was extremely interesting for me to work on a program used to create 3D animation.


      Photoshop Editing - learning the basics

Our task was to turn a natural image (I chose a droplet of water) and  merge a face into the image.

I tried to make the most abnormal adaptation of the natural image.

overall I found Photoshop fairly easy to use and get used to. possibly because of my previous use with other photo editing software of similar nature


Filming Review                   filming comple te set context quick summary of www obi how closely did production follow planni...