Thursday 1 February 2018

Thomas Sharp SEO investigation   
                   How to become more noticeable in Search Engine Results
  • future is mobile
  • build links 
  • cross channel marketing
  • https is drawn to referral data  

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines.

make sure to include all the key words in titles and text throughout your website to gain more chance of surfers of the web finding your page whilst browsing.
And also more importantly in the links, try to include all the key words because link building and optimisation is a key necessity in the process of making your website more noticeable and easier to find. 

Creating link-bait is vital in this process. Think popular youtube videos that famously use click-bait titles, this is much like a website link , use all the keywords someone whose looking for a website that's similar to yours might type in to find said website. 
The more links that point to your website the more popular it will be in search results, so share your page and get that link spreading across the web , have it on as many pages as possible so it'll open many doors towards accessing your page and ultimately attain a higher place in the results of the web, gaining a bigger audience. Using this technique your product and web page will sell to more people due to it's wider audience. 

key fact 
Google+ is the highest correlated social factor for SEO ranking.

It’s marketing, sales, and psychology 
Link Building - a Beginners guide | 2017 | -

The algorithm used by Google for links is nicknamed 'Penguin' and by building links you will be playing this algorithm as it starts to trust your site by counting the links. However Penguin can detect and demolishes  sites that have manipulative links so make sure you make your link not just relevant (which is 100% key in building it's status and gaining traffic) but also make sure the link can be appreciated by humans so the audience don't find it irrelevant to what they're actually looking for.

Networking is a useful technique when sharing your link across the web as it not only gives your link contexual relevance but builds repertoire amongst the right community drawing in the desired audience, for instance selling a short film , find the good communities in that industry and other aspiring film-makers or people looking for short original content and share your links within that community.

In conclusion, link building is the the most vital aspect of SEO  as 75% of SEO is off-page and only 25% is on page. 

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