Monday 8 January 2018


    Hyper real sound in cinema

                                 Hyper real sound in cinema is used an exaggerated sound-affect/score or even                             ambience used to empathise what's happening in the film in order to add drama , tension , intrigue or mystery.      
                             For example the use of footsteps or cracking sounds i a horror movie, in horror hyper real sound is integral in the production in order to accomplish the eerie tension required to create a frightening and cinematic horror sequence.
                            In action movies the same could be said for sounds of cars breaking, explosions and guns firing, think the avengers or a Michael Bay movie, the hyper real se of sound is an important aspect in the fabrication of the on screen conflict to fulfil the action necessary to entertain the popcorn -munching audience.

                                       Take this scene from The Godfather, in this famous use of hyper-real sound - the sound of the train passing works so well in creating that drama that makes this scene in particular stick out as a cinematic great.


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