Wednesday 31 January 2018

The Game  genre

our film would be classified as a phycological horror that could potentially be kindred to recent films such as Get Out, Split or the Netflix series Black Mirror.
All three are significantly similar in the fact they all have a twist in events and involve mind-games from certain characters. The similarity between our film relies in the twist in events and unexpected nature of what could happen next leaving the audience on the edge of their seat.


   Our target audience would be 14-18 year olds who like to be challenged by what they're watching. Whilst those in their twenties and later would be more prone to watch film and tv to be challenged than our target audience- as this is a college production this is the more likely audience. Therefore we're looking at targeting the younger viewers in that respect as teenagers do tend to watch this kind of material (with black mirror and get out retrospectively being very popular in that age range).

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