Friday 23 March 2018

Filming Review
                  filming complete

  • set context
  • quick summary of www obi
  • how closely did production follow planning
  • technical (camera, lighting)

We were asked to film an interactive short and we were given a title, our group's being 'The Game'
Our idea for this title was a horror-based gameshow set in a dystopian future. This premise was held entirely as we each wrote our own scripts for our independent interactive paths underpinning this production.
Planning went on for longer than expected due to delayed shooting as their were members of he group unable to come in to shoot. This meant we had much time to rehearse, study and pin down exactly what filming techniques we were to use. We each had storyboards anyway but due to the planning it allowed us time to experiment with different ways to take things during the shoot. This understandably led to our group drifting from the storyboards during the shoot due to the multiple different ways we'd pre-planned filming certain scenes.
During the shoot, we also drifted from the script as we found the environment of a scene felt much more natural when the actor took the essence of what is said in the script but made it his own. This way we still delivered the premise of our production and each scene yet kept a certain amount of purity during filming as nothing was exactly prewritten making the gravitas and nature of each scene much more compelling. Personally, I think this worked well with our production.

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Filming Review                   filming comple te set context quick summary of www obi how closely did production follow planni...