Wednesday 31 January 2018

The Game  genre

our film would be classified as a phycological horror that could potentially be kindred to recent films such as Get Out, Split or the Netflix series Black Mirror.
All three are significantly similar in the fact they all have a twist in events and involve mind-games from certain characters. The similarity between our film relies in the twist in events and unexpected nature of what could happen next leaving the audience on the edge of their seat.


   Our target audience would be 14-18 year olds who like to be challenged by what they're watching. Whilst those in their twenties and later would be more prone to watch film and tv to be challenged than our target audience- as this is a college production this is the more likely audience. Therefore we're looking at targeting the younger viewers in that respect as teenagers do tend to watch this kind of material (with black mirror and get out retrospectively being very popular in that age range).

Thursday 18 January 2018

Website Research

Website Research

  • It loads like a video game
  • Pop up guiding viewer to purchase tickets 
  • Animated content
  • Pulsating logo , shimmering water
  • Rhino Run interactive game
  • Guide to cast, crew and characters of the movie
  • plot synopsis 
  • 360 degree interactive treehouse with activity for the viewer
  • stills gallery
  • official trailer
  • lip sync tie in with Gun's N Roses song
  • Social Media bar 

  • Social Media Bar
  • Link to get tickets
  • pop up trailer
  • Cast section
  • information about the filmmakers
  • information about the story
  • Two trailers
  • List of nominations and ratings - rotten tomatoes percentage etc

  • formal approach
  • theatrical premiere date
  • about/description of the film 
  • information on where you can watch it & purchase tickets
  • Social media links- Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

  • Cast 
  • Awards listed
  • Use of hashtag (social media tactic)
  • A unique social media bar that's presented in style of film 
  • Videos
  • About / Synopsis
  • Featured content
  • Gallery
  • Posters
  • Related movies ( way to promote other 20th Century Fox content)
  • Page dedicated to show off awards film received
  • Social updates (linked with twitter account)
  • Link to youtube (Maze Runner, The Post only)
  • Graphic logo loading screen
  • Pop-up trailer
  • About
  • Cast & Crew
  • Video 
  • Partners ( collaborators link- sponsored content, producers etc.)
  • Get Ticket Page (link to purchase ticket)
  • Social Media bar

  • Film trailer (playing in background)
  • Social Media Bar
  • Hashtag (social media strategy used to get film trending)
  • Website is action packed due to constant trailer playing, which could potentially work to make the movie seem like the fast-paced action thriller it's selling itself to be.
  • Tagline - 'LIVES ARE ON THE LINE' seems very similar to many Liam Neeson action flicks which could be so that the audience know what they are going into. 

  • interactive menu (very fast paced as videos playing for the background of each section makes it seem very action packed but also hard to focus on as it slightly bewildering.
  • Homepage (basically the trailer playing and link to menu)
  • Story (very basic synopsis - very hard to concentrate on due to constantly moving text auto-scrolling and the fast paced background-tailer playing)
  • Cast with stills of actors and their names with character names underneath_
  • Video section with the final trailer
  • Gallery which seemed to only have two stills before it sent me back to the homepage
  • (very difficult to navigate site , but it works in selling rudimentary basis of what film is about ) 

Monday 8 January 2018


    Hyper real sound in cinema

                                 Hyper real sound in cinema is used an exaggerated sound-affect/score or even                             ambience used to empathise what's happening in the film in order to add drama , tension , intrigue or mystery.      
                             For example the use of footsteps or cracking sounds i a horror movie, in horror hyper real sound is integral in the production in order to accomplish the eerie tension required to create a frightening and cinematic horror sequence.
                            In action movies the same could be said for sounds of cars breaking, explosions and guns firing, think the avengers or a Michael Bay movie, the hyper real se of sound is an important aspect in the fabrication of the on screen conflict to fulfil the action necessary to entertain the popcorn -munching audience.

                                       Take this scene from The Godfather, in this famous use of hyper-real sound - the sound of the train passing works so well in creating that drama that makes this scene in particular stick out as a cinematic great.


Filming Review                   filming comple te set context quick summary of www obi how closely did production follow planni...